Tips for Making Your Move Less Stressful

make move less stressful Moving from one home to another can be the best of times but it can also be the worst of times.  If you don’t do your part to keep the stress level of moving low you might just find yourself not enjoying any aspect of it.  Below are a few tips to make your move less stressful.
  1. One aspect of moving that you may not think of until after you move is the fact that your address is going to be changing. Keep yourself from getting stressed out over having to let everyone know about your new address at the last minute by taking care of this beforehand.  We all know that time tends to get away from you and this is especially true when it comes to    Be sure to inform the post office about your move well in advance.  Also be sure to let your employer know of your move.
  2. Before you even think about starting to pack for the move, do your best to get rid of anything you don’t want to take with you. A quick way to sell a lot of items at once is to list them on an online yard sale sight.  Take care to get these items sorted through and listed as quickly as you possibly can once you decide to move so that you only need to concentrate on packing up whatever is going with you to your new home.
  3. Be sure to pack a bag for all of your family that includes such things as cell phone chargers, any medications you all may need and the like. Many times items such as these may accidentally get packed away and you may stress yourself out trying to find them when you need them again.
  4. Once moving day arrives be sure to prepare for the worst but expect the best. Getting your mind ready to expect anything is a great way to reduce the stress of moving  if any bad issues may arise.
These tips to make your move less stressful  are just the tip of the iceberg.  If you have a move coming in your near future I would suggest that you at least do the above items and then go from there.  The worst thing you can do during a move is stress yourself out and those around you.  Stay calm and enjoy the ride! Courtesy of Huntsville AL Real Estate Broker Mike Manosky.

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