Time to Simplify Your Life!

With summer winding down and school starting again, life is about to get super busy.  Chances are you have multiple schedules to juggle and little free time.  Now is a good time to simplify your life and eliminate as much stress as possible. Get started with the following steps:
  1. Let go of extraneous possessions. Having too many "things" can be detrimental to a peaceful life.  They cause clutter, drain your bank account and use energy and attention that could be elsewhere.  Take the time to remove unnecessary possessions from your life and you will not regret it!
  2. Learn to say no. Too many commitments will not only take up time, but will leave you feeling like you can’t really give 100% to anyone or anything.  Prioritize what is most important to you, whether it’s a book club or a hobby or volunteering.  After working and taking care of your family, you want to make the most out of the free time you have. Filling it with activities you don’t really care about out of some sense of obligation will leave you feeling tired and unfulfilled.
  3. Get There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to find something when you need it.  Imagine the time and energy that will be saved if you don’t have to search for your keys or the phone charger or your child’s permission slip that you signed last week.  Having a place for everything and knowing where it is when you need it will make your life much less stressful and free up more time for fun and relaxation.
  4. Reduce screen time. How many times have you run late for something because you just had to read one more article on the internet.  It’s easy to get sucked in when so much information is available so easily.  But too much screen time means too little REAL time.  Don’t let the screen dominate your life.  Make a conscious effort to unplug and free up more time for other activities.
  5. Stop multi-tasking. It may seem unavoidable when life is so busy, but research indicates that multi-tasking increases stress and lowers productivity.  Focus on one task at a time, give it 100% of your attention, and when you are done move on to the next task.
  6. Ask for help. Sometimes life is hard.  Trying to do everything yourself can leave you feeling defeated and deflated.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
These are just a few ideas for ways to simplify your life.  If you are buying or selling a home, you can count on Mike Manosky to make the process as simple as possible for you!   http://huntsvillerealestateonline.com/2017/08/04/list-estate-agent/ http://huntsvillerealestateonline.com/2017/04/28/buying/ http://huntsvillerealestateonline.com/2017/03/24/reasons-purchase-before/

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