Huntsville Ranks #1

Huntsville Ranks #1In 2009, Moody's ranked Huntsville an impressive #2 for employment and job growth prospects. Now Huntsville has broken through to the #1 spot of the 378 metropolitan areas reviewed! Auburn-Opelika is  ranked second nationally by Moody's, with Phenix City-Columbus, Ga. (seventh), Mobile (12th) and Montgomery (22nd) also faring well. huntsville2To quote from the Moody's article:

"It's extremely significant," Joe Vallely, Huntsville's economic development director, said Tuesday. "Anytime you get a No. 1 ranking nationwide by a respected firm like that, it's big. They don't just give those puppies out."

An Economist story titled "Alabama's small cities are poised for recovery," mentions Cummings Research Park, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, AEgis Technologies, which created the three-dimensional models of Vancouver that NBC used in last month's Olympic broadcasts, and CFD Research, a defense firm researching insect-mounted cameras and glucose-based batteries.

"Eat your heart out, Birmingham," the article concludes.

Huntsville's previous Moody's accolades were partly based on the continuing relocation of 4,700 military jobs from suburban Washington. Assistant economist Martin Soler Garcia, who studies the city for Moody's, could not be reached Tuesday to talk about the latest review.

Vallely said job-growth rankings, which are widely reported in the financial media, can "spur renewed interest" from companies that have flirted with moving to the Rocket City and help validate the decision of those that are already here.

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