How Buying Huntsville Real Estate is Like Running a Marathon

It's true.  There are a lot of parallels between buying a piece of Huntsville real estate and running a marathon. The Starting Line At first, there is excitement. The idea of buying a new home pulses in your veins and you can't wait to get started.  You're like a runner in the blocks just itching to begin. Your muscles twitch in anticipation with every piece of  Huntsville real estate you see. That's when the real adrenaline rush kicks in. Start Out Slowly finishlineKeep to a steady, consistent pace and you’ll make it to the finish line.  There's so much to do before you can get your Huntsville real estate. Home appraisals, inspections and financing to apply for… You start to think about all the 'what ifs,' like what if you don't get the financing, what if something goes wrong, what if… goes on forever. Stay Mentally Tough Don't give into periods of self-doubt. Remember all that you’ve done and have faith in yourself and your real estate agent. Think about how hard you’ve worked and how rewarding it will be when you’re in your new home. Hit the Wall You feel like you simply can't go on any more and the ordeal is never going to end. Your mind hurts from the strain, but you keep pushing onward because it’s the only direction you can go after coming so far.  Remind yourself that you'll get past this feeling.  Keep day dreaming about that finish line. Breakthrough Bliss Suddenly things begin to happen.  Home inspection reports come back.  Financing is approved.  You begin to breathe easier, the pain goes away, and you are sailing free and clear toward the finish line. The Finish Line You sign all the papers at closing and the keys are placed in your hand.  Congratulations!  You’re a winner. When you’re ready to buy a home, I can help you from start to finish.  Contact me today at 800-803-0053, 256-508-0211 or email me.

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