Restaurant With A View?

Developers of the Big Spring Summit office tower in downtown Huntsville are hoping to put a restaurant on its top floor. Meanwhile, they're still analyzing designs for a condominium high-rise next door. The building overlooks Big Spring International Park, offering perhaps the best view of the park's lagoon and Huntsville's skyline. The building overlooks Big Spring International Park, offering perhaps the best view of the park's lagoon and Huntsville's skyline. William Stroud of Huntsville-based Triad Development told the City Council at its meeting Thursday night that the Summit's top floor would become office space if no restaurant steps forward to buy or lease the space. About 70 percent of the 80,000-square-foot office tower space has been leased, Stroud said. Some tenants, which include a bank, a realty company and an investment firm, may open between the end of August and the first part of October. _________________________________________ Thinking of buying or selling Huntsville real estate? Visit my website to view all real estate listings, get the current market value of your home, free reports to save you time and money, and more!  

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